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1 in 3 women are killed by a partner, statistics which never seem to improve, a cultural shift in gender attitudes around the world will be required before we see a shift in these figures

1 in 3 women are killed by a partner, statistics which never seem to improve, a cultural shift in gender attitudes around the world will be required before we see a shift in these figures even though we do not seem to see an improvement in the figures women will never cease the fight to make a difference. Women continue to invite men to the table to speak up and speak out against gender violence. What we have seen is the use of technology in gender based violence both as a means of control and also as a prevention method.
Governments, the private section and health and technology organizations around the world are looking at ways to harness computers and smart phones as a means of violence prevention and protection.

  • Through the use of computers, search engines are able to link victims with service providers and support groups, the creators of the website have provided built in” Exit” routes, to enable the quick exit from these sites.
  • People living in remote areas are able to use technology to link to services, isolation is now not a hindrance to protection and advice, with the introduction of skype, chat lines, and online meetings, women can obtain the advice required, this technology also enables women in isolation to stay connected to friends and family.
  • CCTV cameras and tracking devices assist victims in knowing where the abuser may be located.
  • Smart phones and other devices allow victims to record abuse.

Women whether in a domestic violence situation or not need to know how they can best use their phone to help secure their safety.

Listed below are Apps which you may want to explore:

Australia is very well positioned in terms of availability of apps to assist women.  To see what other apps are available in Australia visit the 1800RESPECT website /
iMatter : The iMatter app includes information to help young women understand the signs of abusive and controlling behaviour in relationships. The aim of the app is to build resilience and promote healthy relationships among young women. Users can share and save content as well as offer support to others who are experiencing violence.
Companies such as Telstra join the Australian Federal Government and Women's Services Network (WESNET) providing up to 20,000 safe smartphones over three years for women experiencing domestic violence for the Safe Connections program.

New Zealand
The 1 in 3 app: visit the website
OnDuty Family Harm Investigation' app, developed by New Zealand Police to assist them to respond more effectively to domestic violence call-outs

My Distress: Developed by the Malaysian Police visit the website, whilst this is a safety app, I am sure that there are other apps available to Malaysian women.

Take the time to explore what is available in your country to assist you


SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations