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Scholarship Articles

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Recognising Coercive Control Online Toolkit


Daphne White, an educator and consultant from Geraldton, WA, was the recipient of the 2021 Stella Giles Award for Achievement, an initiative by Soroptimist International of Western Australia. Daphne used the funding from this award to develop a free “Recognising Coercive Control” online toolkit that individuals or organisations can use to raise awareness of domestic and family violence and coercive control. Practitioners can also use it to share information with clients to help them identify patterns of tactics and behaviours of abuse or for education in secondary schools.

The toolkit launched on 30th November 2022, on Day 6 of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence.

Access to the free toolkit:

Contact Daphne White 0417 158 519 or

Some images from the online toolkit:

Coercive Control 1

Coercive Control 2

Recognising Coercive Control Online Toolkit


Daphne White, an educator and consultant from Geraldton, WA, was the recipient of the 2021 Stella Giles Award for Achievement, an initiative by Soroptimist International of Western Australia.  Daphne used the funding from this award to develop a free “Recognising Coercive Control” online toolkit that individuals or organisations can use to raise awareness of domestic and family violence and coercive control. Practitioners can also use it to share information with clients to help them identify patterns of tactics and behaviours of abuse or for education in secondary schools.

The toolkit launched on 30th November 2022, on Day 6 of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence. 

Access to the free toolkit:

Contact Daphne White 0417 158 519 or

Some images from the online toolkit:

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The  Soroptimist Leadership Awards, formally known as the Stella Giles Award for Achievement , sponsored by Soroptimist International Western Australia, recognises a Western Australian woman who has made a significant contribution in her chosen field and to the community (who does not have to be a Soroptimist). A monetary grant up to a maximum of $10,000 provides funds for the recipient to undertake a project over two years that will benefit women and girls. 

The Award is a collective project supported by all Soroptimist International clubs in Western Australia. It is made on a biennial basis, to a nominated candidate considered worthy of receiving the Award. 

Soroptimist International’s Vision is that “Women and girls will achieve their individual and collective potential, realise aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities worldwide”. The Soroptimist International of Western Australia Stella Giles Award for Achievement contributes to that vision.

The Award carries the name Stella Giles in memory of a Soroptimist who worked tirelessly to extend the influence of Soroptimists in Western Australia.

For more information visit the website 

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The Dame Margaret Blackwood Soroptimist Scholarship is to assist a post-graduate student of Genetics in plants, animals or viruses.

The value of the scholarship is $9,000AUD.

The scholarship was established to honour Dame Margaret Blackwood, after her death in June, 1986. An eminent scholar in the field of genetics and plant cytology, as well as an eminent Soroptimist, Dame Margaret Blackwood became the first female Deputy Chancellor of the University of Melbourne in 1980. It is through this university that the scholarship is offered and administered. The scholarship is awarded by the Council of the University at such intervals and for such periods as it may determine on the recommendation of a selection committee consisting of:
• the Dean of the Faculty of Science or nominee
• the Professor of Genetics or nominee
• a representative of SISEAP.
Applications are invited by notices on University and Faculty notice boards and Soroptimist magazines. The first scholarship was awarded in 1991.

To apply for this scholarship visit the website 

2023 Winners

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The scholarship is named after Betty Loughhead MBE, JP. В Betty joined Soroptimist International in 1949, and was the first New Zealander to serve as the International President of Soroptimist International. The scholarship was established in 1987, and named in her honour. В 

The Betty Loughhead Soroptimist Scholarship assists women pursuing tertiary studies for the purpose of gaining a qualification that will enable them:

  • entry or re-entry into the workforce; or
  • a change in occupations


  • Be a female New Zealand citizens (please note that residents with only NZ Permanent Residence/Residence Visa cannot apply, nor can Australian citizens unless holding dual citizenship)
  • At least 25 years of age on 1 September in the year of application.
  • Enrolled in an NZQA approved education programme that is to be undertaken in NZ
  • Have a proven record of academic achievement
  • Able to use the scholarship in the year for which it is awarded
    Willing to participate in Soroptimist promotional activities (should they be awarded a scholarship)

Evidence of eligibility must be provided as part of the application process.

Value of the award is between $3,000 - 5,000 NZD.В  For futher details and how to apply visit the websiteВ 

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New South Wales 

Location: Central Coast, NSW
Purpose:  Scholarship for TAFE Secondary Students
Eligibility:   Open to all TAFE students located in the district of the Central Coast of NSW
More Information:  Students will be invited to submit a 1 page essay to be assessed by SI Brisbane Water & TAFE. For more information and selection criteria contact SI Brisbane Water

Location:  Randwick, NSW 
Purpose: To assist a rural midwife to upgrade knowledge and skills.
Eligibility:   Must be a nurse or midwife
More Information: contact SI Randwick & Eastern Suburbs.

LocationGriffith, NSW 
Purpose: Tertiary ScholarshipTo provide start up costs to a girl commencing TAFE or University.
Eligibility:  Female attending TAFE or University
More information contact SI Griffith.


Location: Queensland
Purpose: This is an annual bursury, and is open to an Indigenous female student in education or health-related fields including nursing.
Eligibility:  Open to Indigenous women residing in Queensland, currently studying education or health- related fields including nursing.
Amount:  $1000.00.
More Information: This bursary is given in partnership with NCSQ.  For more information on the eligibility and criteria, open and closing dates visit the website 

Location:  Logan District, Queensland
Purpose:   Stella Rickhoff Award for Emerging Leaders, This award is to recogonise women in the Beenleigh District who have contributed to their community through volunteering to advance women and girls.
Eligibility:  Must be a female and working or contributing to advance the status of women in their work or volunteering role.
Amount: Award Certificate and $500.00 towards the Charity of their choice.
More Information:  Visit the website or for further infomation or contact SI Beenleigh. 

Location Redlands, QLD
Purpose:  to provide a scholarship to a girl/women attending university.
More Infomation:  For more information contact SI Bayside.

Location: Gold Coast, QLD 
Purpose: Beth Taylor Education Scholarship.  To provide a scholarship to a mature aged women to assist with the cost of tertiary study.
More Information:  For more information contact SI Gold Coast.

Western Australia 

Location: Albany, WA
Purpose:  South Regional TAFE - Female Student of the Year Scholarship.  Recognition of an outstanding female student who has demonstrated herself to be a true all-rounder showing leadership in her community and outstanding results in her field of endeavor
Eligibility:  Must be a student studying at TAFE 
Amount: $1000
More Information:  Presented annually in April contact SI Albany 

Location: Western Australia
Purpose: Stella Giles Award for AchievementThis scholarship is a prize presented to a woman, to enable her to undertake a project that aligns with the goals and objectives of our organisation.
Eligibility:  Must be a women.  Applcations must be made through a Western Australian Soroptimist Club.
More Information.  To view the criteria and apply, please visit the website  - this award is presented every two years, 

Location:  South Perth, WA
Purpose: Education Scholarships, SI South Perth in partnership with the Smith Family provides 2 scholarships to support one primary school and one secondary school female student in Western Australia.
Eligibility:  The student must be in primary school and secondary school in Western Australia. 
More Information: For more information contact SI South Perth 

Location:  Perth WA
Purpose: Education scholarship for 2 female students in Bali through the Peduli Bali Foundation.
Eligibility:   Studens must resiide and go to school in Bali. 
More Information: Contact SI South Perth.

Location: Joondalup, WA 
Purpose: Educational Scholarships East Timor, Scholarships include a living allowance, transport and books.
More Information: Contact SI Joondalup.

Location: Fremantle, WA 
Purpose:  Scholarship which are awarded to women who are currently enrolled in tertiary education.  
Eligibility: Must be a female and enrolled in tertiary education. 
Amount:  $1000.00
More Information: Application form and further information, available SI Fremantle

Location: Fremantle, WA
Purpose: - Girl Guides Assistance Scholarship. Assist Girl Guides whose families are experiencing financial hardship.
Eligibility:  Female and a member of Girl Guides.
Amount: Club will consider paying fees, uniform and camp costs as required.
More information:  Contact SI Fremantle.

Location: Fremantle, WA 
Purpose:   Scholarship Awards to Local High Schools and University.  Student awards which recognise the dedication of students to their studies, shown through sustained effort, attitude or motivation.
Eligibility:   Must be a student a high school or university in the area.
More information: contact SI Fremantle


Location: Victoria
Purpose:  Polytech Scholarship , tools for trade scholarships
Eligibility:   Successful completion of Pre-apprenticeship by a female at Heidelberg PolyTech Institution. For the purchase of tools to support her apprenticeship. Presentation process to be organised.
Amount:  $500.00
More Information:  Contact SI Deakin

Location: Cobram, VIC 
Purpose:  Secondary School Scholarship
Eligibility:   Female and attending secondary school
More Information: Contact SI Cobram.

Location:  Victoria
Purpose: The Dame Margaret Blackwood Soroptimist Scholarship to assist a post-graduate student of Genetics in plants, animals or viruses. The scholarship was established to honour Dame Margaret Blackwood, after her death in June, 1986. An eminent scholar in the field of genetics and plant cytology, as well as an eminent Soroptimist, Dame Margaret Blackwood became the first female Deputy Chancellor of the University of Melbourne in 1980. It is through this university that the scholarship is offered and administered. The scholarship is awarded by the Council of the University at such intervals and for such periods as it may determine on the recommendation of a selection committee consisting of:
• the Dean of the Faculty of Science or nominee
• the Professor of Genetics or nominee
• a representative of SISEAP.
Eligibility: Female and be a post-graduate student of Genetics in plants, animals or viruses.
Amount: Up to $9,000.00
More Information:  Applications are invited by notices on University and Faculty notice boards, visit the website 

South Australia 

Location: Naracoorte, SA 
Purpose: Denise Grieve Scholarship, This scholarship is awarded to enable a Naracoorte High School girl, who must move away from her home, to take up tertiary education.
Eligibility:  Female, attending tertiary education 
Amount:  $1,000.00
More Information:  and a written application is required and interviews form part of the selection process. Contact SI Naracoorte

Location: Naracoorte, SA
Purpose: Dorothy Sachs Award , two awards are made at Naracoorte High School's End of Year Presentations for girls completing year 11 and 12 Mathematics.
Eligibility:  Female,  attending Naracoorte High School, studying Mathematics.
Amount: $100 for year 12 and $50 for year 11
More Information: Contact

Location: Southern Districts of Adelaide, SA
Purpose: Women in Science, Scholarship is awarded annually to a High Achieving Woman in Science at Flinders University, Adelaide. 
Eligibility: Female attending Flinders University and studying science.
Amount: $1,000.00
More Information: Contact or visit the website

Location: Adelaide, SA
Purpose: University of Adelaide Gender Studies Award
More Information: Contact SI Eastern Districts of Adelaide.

Location: Port Pirie, SA
Purpose: Secondary Schools Scholarship, At the end of each year Soroptimist International of Port Pirie awards a scholarship to a senior female student in each of the three secondary schools in Port Pirie. They are given to a student demonstrating leadership skills and academic excellence. 
Eligibility: Female attending secondary schools in Port Pirie
Amount:  $200.00 by 3 scholarships
More Information: Contact SI Port Pirie 


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New ZealandВ 

Location: Christchurch, NZ
Purpose: Annual prize giving funciton, provided to a primary aged school child.
Eligibility:В  Attending primary school
More information:В  Contact SI Christchurch.

Location:В NZ North and South IslandsВ 
Purpose: Betty Loughhead Soroptimist Scholarship.В В This Scholarship provides financial support to women over the age of 25 who are studying to either:В obtain a qualification to enter (or re-enter) the workforce; or to gain a further qualification to advance a careers in business, the professions, the arts; or to change occupation.
Eligibility:В  Female, over 25 years of age, enrolled inВ an NZQA-approved study programme, and all study must be undertaken in New Zealand. This scholarship is restricted to New Zealand citizens
More Information:В Applications open on 1 June, and close on 31 August each year. For more information or to download an application form:В 

Location: Gore, NZВ 
Purpose: SI Gore President's Scholarship.В This scholarship is a monetry grant, the money can be used for books and/or tuition fees and/or travel.
Elibibility:В  Female, and must reside in the Gore area, who is leaving the area for further study.
More information: Contact SI Gore.

Location: SI New Plymouth
Purpose: Lois Williams Education Scholarship.В В This scholarship is to assist a young women with tertiary studies. This is offered on rotation to one of three secondary schools in New Plymouth.
Eligibility:В  Female, attending one of the three secondary schools in New Plymouth.В 
More Information: The successful recipient is chosen by the schools. Contact SI New Plymouth.В 

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Penang, Malaysia - SI Penang Education fund

For more information contactВ SI Penang.

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Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Purpose: Goodwill Leadership Scholarship Program,В Providing scholarships for under privileged university students.
Eligibility:В  Attending university
More information:В  ContactВ SI Jakarta.

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Location: Dusit, Thailand -

Purpose: Nursing Degree Assistance ,В Assistance for women to continue their nursing degree.
Eligibility:В  Female and currently attending a nursing degree.В 
More Information: ContactВ SI Dusit.

Location:В Dusit, Thailand
Purpose: Medical Studies at Khon Kaen University, assistance for women to continue with their medical studies at Khon Kaen University.
Eligibility:В  Female and attending Khon Kaen University.
More information: ContactВ SI Dusit.

Location:В Dusit, Thailand
Purpose: Janie Scholarship Fund, assistance for women completing a law degree at Khon Kaen University.
Eligibility:В  Female attending Khon Kaen University
More Information:В ContactВ SI Dusit.

Location:В Dusit, ThailandВ 
Purpose: Scholarship for Hill-Tribe Girls, to assist with students with their ongoing education.
Eligibility:В  Female and attending schools in the remote hill tribe area.
More information:В  ContactВ SI Dusit.

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SISEAP Membership

Soroptimist International is a global movement of women, with members belonging to more than 3,000 clubs in 126 countries/territories, spread over 5 Federations